Holy Fucking Shit Batmana!!!!

De Mantis @iShirm



Asshole school 69


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iShirm's News

Posted by iShirm - April 4th, 2016

Holy shitweed I'm still alive. Where have I been all these years you may ask...well no one is asking, because no one knows who I am, which is good. Now I have a blank slate...I can start over. Recently I had the itch to start making flash movies again in 7 years :O. Fokken ell, 7 years have passed since I stoped making flash, but now, for some unknown reason, I want to make animation again. What a weird thing life is. 

Posted by iShirm - March 9th, 2009


/* */

Posted by iShirm - August 19th, 2008

Well finally I got some work done phew* OK guys first solo project this year so dont get too harsh with me. I got a bit rusty with making flash, bu here it is.
So ok you are propably wondering ''WTF? Whos that wallet char?'' Well he is a creation of ZombieToaster . I asked if I could take him from him and he said yes, so I remodeled it and used it my flash. I think I dont need to explain whos Pico :P

Well Ok make sure you visit N00bNation

And please watch my movie:

Wallet VS. Pico

Ok thanks you guys, also thanks to sonicmega who voiced it so perfectly :)

Posted by iShirm - November 7th, 2007

So yeah making a new flash, but it wont be a solo project it'll be only one part from the ''iShirm&Rena #3''
collab, my part will be about about the popular shouting ''9000!!'' :P, I don't know what Rena is going to make so yeah, stfu, oh and we will have one extra part from ZombieToaster.
Here are the previous parts, they suck ballz, but the third one will be awesome:


iShirm&Rena #2 HS

a pic from my 9000! movie


Posted by iShirm - October 24th, 2007

Happy N00bDay :D Well the NN is officially 2 years old. Some good news and some bad news.
The bad ones, N00bKing and N00bQueen said that they are quitting the NN, because they say its dying out, they also said when they leave they would shut down the forum, wich would mean that the crew would also be dead, but luckily Little-Rena jumped in(Our 3rd admin) and said that he would take over.
The good news, Little-Rena took over the NN, like I mentioned before, oh I became a Mod :D lol
also we submitted some flash here in the Portal hope you like them, I know im laughing my arse off :D.
Well then cya till the nex post is made lol :D

N00bDay '07

Posted by iShirm - September 7th, 2007

Oh man ok now im officialy back from the summer job, well now i just need to get work on some flashes, but I think there is onw problem, I think I lost my skill...deim, well yeah ill try to make somethin but its so damned hard :D

So yeah N00bDay is on the 24th of October a lot of NN members are going to make sevral movies including me(If I get my skilllllll back offcourse :D ) So yeah you could to make some movies for the N00bDay you just need to join the Crew, we took down the Validation page so you can see the whole forum now, so yeah join the NN and make a flash for the N00bDay :D

Cya, till next week I guess....

Posted by iShirm - July 18th, 2007

Deem I miss you guys, cant wait to get back to newgrounds and make some great flashes with my new skilllZZZz lol I have a few ideas now going on, and im working on one particualr movie, well I have only like made 30 % of the script thats all :D well anyways in a week ill be home and the ill update some news about the flash well see ya soon lads :D