You orderd a mass vote well here it is lol CLOCKS RULE!!!!
You orderd a mass vote well here it is lol CLOCKS RULE!!!!
fived this movie, HAPPY CLOCK DAY !!!!!!!!! great work
My first review ever... And its a positive one. Hopefully this is a good omen for my future in Flash.
Thank you for the review Krish-o. I hope you have a happy Clock Day too!
Cloock day rulzzzZZZzzzzZZZzzzz$ZZZZz !!!!!!!111111111
Yeah this movie is perfect, and thx for that cam script no one ever has told me that scrip, but now u did, and its very helpfull, thx mean, make more, cant wait 10! voted 5!
OK so dont listen to that idiot Flashkid he is a fucking retard hes flash sucks so anyway ur flash is damned good oh and thoes comentarys are way too cool to take them off keep it up lol
And to think his review almost got to me...I read everything you guys write because I like to know what you think. And, I mean, it's like that guy was blaming me for polio or something... :(
THanks to you though, me happy again...Rock on fellow cool guy!
Ah yes
Ah yes true love, this is great dudes that u helped him to do this great flash movie, this deserves to get in the front page.... :DDD
Oh and yeah happy anniversary :)
Yea, thanks a lot guys! :D
Yeah this was the best flash what i have seen this year, but BUT WTF? IS THAT '' YOU FOUND THE EASTER EGG PART ALL ABOUT HUH?'' but it was funny do, nice....
Well if the whole story line is bassed on Swiss, then why is there Turkish music playing????i dont get the story line neither.
Oh in some parts you could make it go a little bit faster, BUT YOU HAVE TALENT, thats because i voted 5..............
N...a please!
Your my god now i fuckin aobht0h 506h oh and about that cadilliac i frikin stole it i dont know go ask my grandma bijatch
WoooT? :D ok thx
Holy Fucking Shit Batmana!!!!
Asshole school 69
Joined on 6/24/05